- Resolution 2025-05 Resolution to reduce the number of Election workers.
- Resolution 2025-04 to Vacate Kruchten Drive
- Resolution 2025-03 to Vacate Haas Drive
- Resolution 2025-02 to Vacate Endres Drive
- Resolution 2025-01 to Vacate a Portion of Ballweg Dr.
- Resolution 2024-1 Supporting Constitutional Amendment to Limit Corporate Campaign Constributions
- Resolution to Adopt TDR into Town Comp Plan
- Resolution for Electors to Adopt 2022 Tax Levy (payable in 2023)
- Resolution 2022-01 Approving Building Permit Fee Schedule
- Resolution 2021-3 Money Transfer
- 2021 Resolution to Adopt Town Tax Levy
- Resolution 2021-02 to Adopt Wards and Voting Place
- Resolution 2021-01 Notice of Intent to Destroy Obsolete Tax Receipt Records
- Sheriff Mahoney Resolution
- Resolution for Electors to Adopt Town Tax Levy 2020
- Resolution 2020-03 Towns_Act185_PropertyTaxModelResolution
- Resolution 2020-01 Grant Sponsorship with Dane County
- Resolution 2019-07 for Electors to AdoptĀ Town Tax Levy
- Resolution 2019-06 Resolution for Electors to Exceed Levy Limit at Special Town Meeting
- Resolution 2019-05 Town Board to Propose Exceeding Levy Limits
- Resolution 2019-04 Creating Town Art Committee2
- Resolution 2019-02 Declaration of Emergency
- Resolution 2019 Town Board to Propose Exceeding Levy Limits